Saturday, December 22, 2012

Inspiring Travelers: Megan from USA

Inspiring travelers: Megan from Colorado knows how it's done.

I catch up with Megan from Colorado and she shares some thoughts about her travels and fun experiences around the globe. We met at the university, where we were both working at the Outdoor program, and where we both got our first tastes in international travel, on trips with the school, led by Professor Chad. She is an easy choice when looking to interview inspiring travelers, especially for woman travelers, traveling solo or other wise.

Hello Megan. Tell us a little about yourself. 

I'm Megan McGrath. I am a 5th year senior at CMU studying to be a Paramedic. I am currently in Colorado (the best state of the 50), but I have been to 8 countries and Ecuador twice. First trip- Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Turkey for 2 months; Second trip- Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile 2 months; Third trip- Ecuador (Cosanga mostly) 4 months

So how do you afford to take these trips? Are your parents rich or something?


No. The last trip was really inexpensive for me because I volunteered with a Grand Junction based program called Sustainable Roots. Room and board was completely paid for when I arrived. The trip before that I worked a lot in order to save, but traveling is a lot cheaper than most people make it out to be.

Were you nervous leaving for your first trip, or any others for that matter?

I guess I was a little nervous on my first trip, but I got the experience to do my very first trip outside of this country with the Outdoor Program at Mesa. Once I learned from the best (Professor Chad Thatcher), I never hesitated to start my own new adventures since then.

So can you tell us how you keep on budget when traveling?

In order to stay on budget I calculate out how much I am "allowed" to spend per day depending on how much I have from the beginning. I can settle for a cheaper hostel to do something really cool one day. Also, shopping at markets for things like bread and cheese is an easy meal that is always very cheap.

Do you have any advice or tips for anyone who wants to travel but doesn't think they can?

Decide where you want to go, and just do it already.

What have you been surprised about the most while traveling?

I was surprised at the small amount of crime I have found in foreign countries. People seem to think leaving the US is so dangerous, but getting your wallet stolen is just as likely to happen in the states as it is in a foreign country. People from different countries can be very friendly, giving, helpful, and interesting.

What's the coolest thing you've done?

The coolest thing I have done was go to Machu Picchu... or maybe the pyramids. It is so awesome to tell people you have been to places that are constantly on a bucket list or a "must-see" travel list.

Do you have a favorite place in the World?

My favorite place in the world is Cosanga, Ecuador. I made so many friends and really made connections with the people there. My favorite country in the world is Egypt. 

Thanks Megan. So what's next for you?

Next on the list is going to have to be once I graduate in December (my mom grounded me to the states until I finish my degree.) But I want it to be the longest trip yet. I will probably start in Australia and move up through Indonesia, southeast Asia, ending in India.. or Nepal... or maybe China. Who knows? I will probably spend about 8-10 months doing this trip. Better start saving!


  1. Can't agree more Megan! Australia IS the best place to make a start!!! Head downunder and you may never leave ...

  2. Half the fun of travel is the people you meet along the way.

  3. Australia is the best place to start ( dont neglect New Zealand though, my home) and Egypt is 100% the best country in the world :)
